is plausible and the inevitable consequence of the implementation of
the Food Act 2014. But to understand how we got to this ludicrous
situation you have to go back at least 35 years.
me start by saying that regulating food safety is important. There
are some very nasty diseases that can be transmitted via food and
some people will die from eating the wrong food. Even so, in public
health terms, food safety regulation has been a bit of a latecomer.
As a country we have implemented many different ways of minimising
harm from food over the years. Some have fallen by the wayside some
are still with us.
today, food safety is regulated through several pieces of legislation
and we effectively have a two-tier system. High risk foods such as
meats, seafood, dairy and eggs are regulated through specific
legislation, mainly the Animal Products Act, administered by the
Ministry for Primary Industries. Businesses operating nationally also
often file a Food Safety Plan with MPI rather than deal piecemeal
with 71 councils around the country. These acts aim to achieve food
safety by requiring a safe process. Businesses
have to have a food safety system – unique to them - based on the
international system, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.
Not only is the system formal and in writing but also must be
auditable meaning that records have to be kept of all relevant
actions. Businesses regulated this way have to satisfy the regulators
every year that they are operating safely both in thought and deed or
they lose their business.
is something of a gold standard but it makes sense for large
businesses especially ones that operate internationally. Not only
does compliance with international standards and best practice make
it possible for our companies to trade internationally but there is
an overall halo effect for the whole country around the quality of
our food products.
about the local cafe, pre-school or bakery? Everyone else is
regulated by councils mainly under the older Health
Act 1956. So councils basically get local operations such as cafes,
bakeries, small food retailers, hotels etc. The Health Act
regulations aim to achieve food safety by requiring safe
premises in
which food is prepared and served. Councils try their best to deny it
but they have no
role in approving
food operations.
They register and approve the buildings in which food operations take
place. And they do have an enforcement role
should they detect breaches of Food Hygiene Regulations 1974. But it
is largely up to the operators themselves to decide how to operate
safely and how to comply with relevant regulations. So the only way a
small operator can be shut down is if their premises are in poor
condition and the operators do nothing about it or the
food they offer is demonstrably dangerous.
this is very light regulation compared to the top tier. But this
framework is also cheap to run. I pay about $300 p.a. for my
registration. By my calculations its about $150 too much for the
statutory work the council has to carry out but why quibble at that
level?So now we have the Food Act 2014 which requires all small
operators to change to a bespoke, risk-based system too. Until now
small operators have not been required to have a system or keep
records of any kind. In future they will have the administrative
burden of creating a system and operating it (ie ticking boxes and
writing stuff down). We are transitioning to a single system for all
food operations large and small. Nice but not only is there an
administrative burden imposed on these small businesses, there is now
more power in the hands of the local council (as approvers and
auditors) over these business's livelihoods.
problem will this solve? None
at all. There
is no evidence that we have a problem with food-borne illness
emanating out of the small registered operators. Almost all notified
cases of food illness in NZ happen in the home because of poor food
hygiene practices and the vast bulk of those cases relate to poor
storage, handling or cooking of poultry. The current system for
commercial food operations, clunky though it is, works - and often
because of controls that exist outside the regulatory system.
the Ministry of Health nor the Ministry for Primary Industries
willingly publish full statistics related to food-borne illness. But
we can infer quite a bit from what they do publish. From a snapshot
taken in 2004 we know one important thing: campylobacteriosis (think
poultry) makes up 70% of all notified food-borne
illnesses. In 2004 12,215 cases of campylobacteriosis were notified.
Of these, not a single case was definitely linked to
food premises. The Ministry “suspected” 1,019 premises as the
source of the illness. The problem with that stat is that we don't
know what kind of food premise, what regulatory regime they are under
let alone what the basis of suspicion is. I really would like way
more detail before I could take that number seriously.
importantly we know that the rate of food-borne illness has declined
markedly since that snapshot was taken. Campylobacteriosis rates
peaked ten years ago at about 380 cases per 100,000 population. Since
2008 they have hovered at around 150 cases per 100,000 population
– way less than half of the peak and way less than the rate
of 236 when the data series began. Without changing our
regulatory regime at all we have already significantly improved our
public health outcomes.
why are we putting ourselves through the pain of implementing a new
system that most likely will deliver no benefit? Who knows? But the
self-interest of the regulatory industry would be my best guess.
Food Act 1981 allowed local businesses to opt out of Health Act
regulation by registering a Food Safety Plan (same as what is now
compulsory). Virtually no-one took advantage of this provision for
the simple reason that independent assessors charged $1,500+ to audit
a business compared to the $100-$300 cost of registering with the
local council. In the course of 35 years no-one could find any good
reason for changing the way they already did business and making
themselves poorer. Of course the way they did things was not "best
practice". So rather than admit that that the idea of everyone
being HACCP-compliant was not a cost-effective approach MPI and its
predecessors got the government to pass legislation making it
compulsory. And the councils are delighted because they go from a
(technically) hands-off role to an active role with significant
approval powers (more power, more money).
remain hopeful that councils will hold the cost to small businesses
of administering the new regime at the same level as they do now. To
that end MPI have published an excellent template that food service
businesses (cafes, restaurants, pre-schools) can use to set up their
system. From what I have seen these types of businesses should be
able to set up their system in a few hours. But that largely depends
on the whim of their council. Any dispute under the Health Act had to
be fought out in the District Court. Now the power shifts completely
to the council. And what we have also seen in the cases cited by the
Early Childhood Council is that, if the council chooses not to be in
the approval/auditing business, then small local businesses are
thrown to the commercial auditing companies at whatever price they
choose to quote.
seems to have been thrown out the window in favour of intellectual
neatness. Yippee.